Tuesday, March 4, 2008

HELLO!!HEHEHE!!I'M IN A GOLLY MOOD NOW!YA I HOPE THE SAME FOR ALL OF YOU!KNOW SOMETHING IM SO CURIOUS ABOUT RAPTURE!I WONDER HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE THEN...WOULD IT BE REALLY THAT FREAKY AND DARK?ARE THOSE PEOPLE WHO WOULD BE LEFT BEIND GET TORMENTED!HOW WOULD THEY BE ABLE TO STAND FIRM ALL THE WAY??HMMM..WHAT IS RAPTURE AGAIN?IT IS A PREDICTED EVENT IN CERTAIN SYSTEM OF CHRISTIAN ESCHATOLOGY!!SO MANY THINGS BEEN GOING THROUGH MY MIND!ABOUT RAPTURE SOMEMORE!GOSH!!I'M GETTING SO FREAKED OUT!BUT ONE THING FOR SURE,I DON'T WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND!UNTIL THIS DAY,IM STILL NOT READY TO READ THE BOOK OF REVELATION!YES,I KNOW ITS PRETTY DEEP ALSO!BUT IM WONDERING WHY DO WE NEED TO HAVE RAPTURE!AND THE ANTI CHRIST IS ALREADY HERE RIGHT?MORE SIGNALS PLEASE?AND WHATS WITH 666? SIX SIGNS GIVEN BY JESUS TO INDICATE HIS COMING AND THE END OF THE AGE... 1-FALSE PROPHETS AND CHRISTS-Matthew 24:5 2-WARS-Matthew 24:6 3-FAMINES-Matthew 24:7 4-EARTHQUAKES-Matthew 24:7 5-TRIBULATIONS-Matthew 24:8-9 6-THE GOSPEL WILL BE PREACHED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD-Matthew 24:14 NOW NOW...CHECK THIS OUT: 2008-MAR-21: After a lengthy calculation based on the Bible, a British group, The Lord's Witnesses, has concluded that the start of Armageddon will happen on this day. Three quarters of the world's population will die during the subsequent war. This will be preceded by the United Nations taking over complete control of the world in the lunar month preceding 2001-APR-24. This is exactly 666 Hebrew months after the founding of the United Nations in 1945. 3 2008-APR-6: Philip B. Brown incorrectly predicted that the Great Tribulation would start on 2001-APR-7, with the appearance of the the two witnesses described in Revelation. He also predicted that the start of Jesus' millennial reign would be on 2008-APR-6. 4 2008: Ronald Weinland believes that he "... has been send by God as His end-time prophet." Weinland predicts the demise of the United States in the near future, followed by the start of "man's final war" in 2008. He has published a book titled: "2008: God's Final Witness." A free copy can be obtained at: http://the-end.com/ 2008: Billy Hargie predicts the assassination of the next president of the U.S. by a southern activist. This will cause riots which will require the U.S. army to be recalled from Iraq. Iran will then be overrun by Iran. A nuclear world war will start. The environment will rapidly degenerate. The Mayan prediction for 2012 will come true. 97% of all known species will become extinct. Scattered pockets of humans will survive by living off the land. He describes this as the "Dawn of the Eighth Day." 2008?: Linda Newkirk reported that she received a revelation from Yahweh on 2007-NOV-17. She writes that a comet, 17/P Holmes, "... is a sign of the [second] coming of the Son of Man" -- Yeshua of Nazareth or Jesus Christ. The comet was discovered by Edwin Homes in 1892 and follows an inclined elliptical orbit between the planets Mars and Jupiter. It experienced a massive increase in brightness during the night of 2007-OCT-23-24 when it went from about a magnitude 17 to about 2.8 in just 42 hours. Linda's prophecy appears to have been another false alarm, because the comet has since faded from sight with no appearance of Yeshua. The comet is expected to return in 2014. 16,17 Luke 21:32 "TRULY I SAY TO YOU,THIS GENERATION WILL NOT PASS AWAY UNTIL ALL THIS THINGS TAKE PLACE. OH GREAT MARCH 21!SO YEAH,I WOULD CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY EARLIER THEN!RIGHTTT!!

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